长期从事世界史、国际关系史、中东史、中东政治与国际关系及国际政治学、国际组织等科研、教学工作。教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目首席专家。先后主持、参与国家社科基金、教育部社科基金、陕西省社科基金等重大、重点、一般项目等20余项,在国内外学术期刊发表论文120余篇。在人民出版社、商务印书馆、中国社科文献出版社出版专著5部,主编叙利亚发展报告系列蓝皮书3部。曾荣获陕西省第十三、十四次哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖、一等奖,获陕西省高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果一等奖。曾百余次在国内外高校、国家机关、社会公益讲堂等做讲座。参与中国中央电视台(CGTN)环球观察(Global Watch)等节目访谈及连线。数篇资政报告被央省部委等采纳。先后赴叙利亚大马士革大学、巴基斯坦真納大学、以色列特拉维夫大学、英国伦敦大学亚非学院、美国印第安纳大学、日本福冈大学等留学访学讲学。
Wang Xingang, born in 1958, is a Tie-2 professor (professors in China fall into 4 tiers) with a doctoral degree in history. He is a professor at the School of History at Northwest University, a doctoral supervisor in World History and Middle East History, a master’s supervisor in World History, Middle East History, and International Politics. Pro. Wang is also the director of the Syria Research Center for International and Regional Research under the Ministry of Education(registered) at Northwest University, and serves as the associate dean of international and regional research at Northwest University (non-administrative entity) and the director of the African Research Center (virtual entity). Besides, he is the Executive Director of the China Asian African Society, Executive Director of the Chinese Association of Middle East Studies(CHAMES), Vice Chairman of the Alliance of International and Regional Talent Cultivation Departments of Chinese Universities, Member of the Advisory Committee of the China Arab Countries Expo, Lifetime Member of the American Southern Hemisphere Research Association (formerly the Third World Research Association), Executive Director of the Provincial Historical Society, Vice President of the Provincial Translators Association and the editorial board member of Arab World Studies and Middle East Studies.
He has long been engaged in scientific research and teaching in world history, international relations history, Middle East history, Middle East politics and international relations, as well as international political science and international organizations for a long time. Pro. Wang is the Chief Expert of the Major Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences under the Ministry of Education. He has hosted and participated in more than 20 Major, Key, and General projects, including the National Social Science Fund, the Social Science Fund of the Ministry of Education, and the Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Fund. He has published more than 120 papers in academic journals both domestically and internationally. He also published 5 monographs at the People's Publishing House, Commercial Press, and China Social Science Literature Publishing House and edited 3 blue books in the Syrian Development Report series. He has won the second and first prizes of the 13th and 14th Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences in Shaanxi Province, as well as the first prize of Excellent Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences Research in Higher Education Institutions in Shaanxi Province. He has given lectures more than a hundred times in universities, government agencies, social welfare lecture hall, etc. Pro. Wang was invited to do interviews live and remotely inprograms such as China Central Television (CGTN) and Global Watch. Several of his reports were adopted by the central and provincial ministries and commissions. He has studied and given lectures in Damascus University in Syria, Jinnah University in Pakistan, Tel Aviv University in Israel, SOAS School, University of London in the United Kingdom, Indiana University in the United States, Fukuoka University in Japan, etc.