陈利宽,1989年生,历史学博士,延安大学历史文化学院副教授,硕士研究生导师,西北大学叙利亚研究中心特约研究员。主要从事奥斯曼帝国史、第一次世界大战史和中非关系史研究。出版专著《加里波利战役研究》(世界知识出版社2020)、合著《非洲阿拉伯国家通史 索马里、吉布提和科摩罗史》(商务印书馆2022)和译著《奥斯曼战记:德国将军一战回忆录》(社会科学文献出版社2023),在《阿拉伯世界研究》、《西亚非洲》、《外国问题研究》、《国防科技》、环球网和澎湃新闻等刊物和媒体上发表论文、时事评论20余篇,代表性成果为译著《奥斯曼战记:德国将军一战回忆录》(Five years in Turkey)。
Chen Likuan, born in 1989, Ph. D in history, is an associate professor at the School of History and Culture of Yan'an University. He is a master’s supervisor, and a guest researcher at the Syria Research Center of Northwest University. He mainly engaged in research on the history of the Ottoman Empire, history of the First World War and history of China-Africa relations. He published 3 academic works, and 20 papers and commentaries on current affairs in publications and media such as Arab World Studies, West Asia and Africa, Foreign History Studies, National Defense Technology, Huanqiu.com and ThePaper.cn. His representative work is the translation of Five Years in Turkey.