李铁,西北大学外国语学院教授,西北大学叙利亚研究中心特约研究员。在国内外期刊上发表核心期刊论文共20余篇,参编译著2部,参编教材2部,主持国家社会科学基金一般项目1项,主持并完成陕西省社会科学界联合会重点研究课题1 项、陕西省社科项目1项,陕西省十四五教育教学规划项目1项,西安市社科项目3项、陕西省教育厅项目1项,以及多项西北大学科研和教改立项;参与国家级社科项目、省市级项目11 项,同时积极参与了院校、西安市语委承办的多项服务地方和社会的活动。
Li Tie, serves as Professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Northwest University and is a guest researcher of Syria Research Center at Northwest University. She has published over 20 core journal papers in domestic and foreign journals, participated in the compilation and translation of two works and participated in the compilation of two textbooks. She has hosted one general project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, and presided and completed one key research project of the Shaanxi Federation of Social Sciences, one Shaanxi Social Science Project, one education and teaching planning project for the 14th Five Year Plan in Shaanxi Province, 3 social science projects in Xi'an, one Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education Project, and multiple Scientific research and educational reform project approval at Northwest University. She has participated in 11 national level social science projects and provincial and municipal level projects, and at the same time, she participated in multiple local and social service activities undertaken by the School, University and Xi'an Language Commission actively.