Dr.Karim Alwadi肖克博⼠,企业家,国际关系学者。中国⼈⺠⼤学硕⼠、中国外交学院博士。2001 定居于北京,在中国及中东地区从事多年的实业投资,涉及到装备制造,旅游⾏业,基础建设投资及开发。连续创业者、学者和畅销书作家。在过去的20年中,开发和运营的项⽬超过150亿美元。曾任中国-阿拉伯国家博览会顾问委员会委员,中共中央对外联络部⼀带⼀路智库联盟智库负责⼈成员,美国阿斯本研究所研究员,中国⼈⺠⼤学全球治理与发展研究院⾼级研究员,浙江外国语学院地中海研究员特聘研究员, 宁夏⼤学客座教授,世界⻘年总裁协会(YPO)会员。⼀带⼀路⼉童救助计划联合发起⼈,美国阿斯本研究所McNulty奖获得者。著有《真实的黎巴嫩真主党》(世界知识出版社)、《China Phobia“中国恐惧症”》 (企鹅出版社)。曾多次参加各类国际学术会议及媒体节⽬,发表多篇有关国际关系的⽂章。
Dr.Karim Alwadi,An entrepreneur,Scholar,Author .based in Beijing since 2001. Started up and founded several companies in China spanning sectors from machinery manufacturing, infrastructure investment, and development, to the Merchant Banking industry. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in International Relations, focusing on Sino-Arab Relations, at China Renmin University. Obtained his Ph.D. degree in International Politics from China Foreign Affffairs University. An active member of the Chinese Business and Academic Society. Karim currently holds the following positions: China-Arab State Expo Advisory Board Member ,Senior Fellow at the Institute of Global Governance and Development at Renmin University of China. Visiting Professor at Ningxia University. Co-founder of the War Zone Saving Children Program, a charity program initiated in 2017, with a focus on providing aid to families affffected by war. Fellow of the Aspen Institute -Global Leaders Program. YPO (Young President Organization) member. Author of the book《ChinaPhobia - A Wasted Opportunity 》by Penguin Publishing Group ,Recipient of the 2019 McNulty Prize Catalyst Fund ( Aspen Institute ).